Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A bit about us

Thought I'd just talk a bit about what we do... first we have three shows coming up, you can find out about that at

We'll play at Urban Eats on March 20th, it's an art-brunch at 11 am. So we'll try to keep it kinda laid back.
Then at Queen of Sheba on March 26th, in U. City, then April 30 at The Blue Agave in Belleville. So maybe something will come up in between.

I guess right now what sets us apart: we do music that folks don't normally do. I write a lot of our material, so I'm pretty sure no one's doing that. It covers a lot of, blues, rock, jazz, ballads, showtunes, funk, etc. I listen to a variety of styles and try to funnel them in and out through my brain and add a personal touch to them.

Also we have started playing music from the rag era: we do a few standards like St. Louis Blues and Ballin' the Jack, and some lesser known songs of the day, plus rags such as Maple Leaf, St. Louis, and a few obscure rags like Fontella and Hurricane. Mostly the reaction has been pretty positive, people like hearing that stuff, and it's a rare opportunity to hear someone do it live.

So anyway I'll get to practicin' for the next show.

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